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Willowdale ChineseFocus






2017 Moon Festival Service at Kitchener


Monthly Chinese Focus Service was held to celebrate Chinese Moon Festival in the afternoon of Sept. 24, 2017. The service started at 3:30PM with Bible verse from 2 Corinthians 4:7 “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.“


Ev. Truong conduced the service, which was assisted by Deacon Yang and Deacon Wang in Chinese, as well as by Priest Connor from St. Catherine in English. There were total of 30 attendances, with six guests (4 from Hamilton, and two from Waterloo).


After the service, Bible study and discussion were renewed based on Q&A #191-200 from Catechism Q&A book. Finally, every brothers, sisters, and friends participated potluck fellowship to celebrate the Chinese Moon Festival. It was a great, joyful, and blessed day in the house of God.

Please download Slideshow for more details





160 Margaret Ave. Kitchener,

Ontario N2J 2V5 

Regular Service   Sunday 10:30 am

Wednesday   8:00 pm

Sunday School  9:00 am


Email: chinesefocus@mynac.org

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