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Willowdale ChineseFocus






2015 Workshop at Welland


Over the weekend of May 16-17/2015, the NAC Chinese Focus team organized its second annual workshop in Welland, Ontario with the theme of " Afterlife and Departed". The participants of the workshop came from the congregations of Waterloo, Willowdale and St. Catharine. The brothers and sisters were very active and interested in discussion and Q&A. The biblical references and doctrines of the NAC -- the Catechism were widely used for the guidelines of the workshop in order to serve for better understanding and strengthening of faith on these subjects. Personal views and experiences were also interactively exchanged via mutual respects.

On Sunday morning, the gathered group had its divine service held by Sh. Chen at the conference hall of Welland Inn, the text words are based on Luke 24:49. After the divine service, the group also delightfully toured the small Southern Ontario town and had their lunch fellowship by the beautiful side of Welland cannel. This was a truly great weekend for all brothers and sisters.

Please download Slideshow for more details






45 Lodge Street, Waterloo,

Ontario N2J 2V5  Map

Regular Service   Sunday 10:30 am

Wednesday   8:00 pm

Sunday School  9:00 am


Email: chinesefocus@mynac.org

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