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KW ChineseFocus


Willowdale ChineseFocus






2015 Good Friday Service (清明节)


Good Friday 2015, a group of Chinese from Waterloo, Port Credit, St. Catharine and Willowdale were gathered together for the divine service at Dundas congregation, beautifully located at the foot of Hamilton Mountain in the local residential community. Sh. Chen held the Holy Service, focusing on the question of the people asked " Who is this? ..." which is recorded in the Bible when Jesus entered in the Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. A warm fellowship was taken place after the service. It was truly a day of reflection, understanding, friendship and joyfulness.

Through a passion week, we are so thankfully understanding that our Heavenly Father is not the Semi God, His love is not Semi, His power is not Semi, His work is not Semi, His nearness to human being is not Semi, His promise of Retune is not Semi! Because He understands that we are presently at the Semi stages, therefore, He decided and determined to bring us from the imperfect condition to the perfect future.

Please download Slideshow for more details






45 Lodge Street, Waterloo,

Ontario N2J 2V5  Map

Regular Service   Sunday 10:30 am

Wednesday   8:00 pm

Sunday School  9:00 am


Email: chinesefocus@mynac.org

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