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KW ChineseFocus


Willowdale ChineseFocus






2015 Moon Festival in Willowdale


On Sept 27, Chinese brothers/sisters and friends from Willowdale, Waterloo, Port Credit and St. Catherine got together in the congregation of Willowdale to celebrate the yearly Chinese Moon Festival. We started with the divine service of thanksgiving, adoration, humbleness and forward looking in the morning. Apostle Sobottka conducted the worship based on the Bible text of John:4:34, calling all the gathered congregation to be a responsible Christian of fully following, trusting and acting to the will of God. He tied with the uniqueness of the Moon to be full, peaceful and pure in our believing in God and actions of helping others. 
Later on, everyone was joyfully participating in the lunch fellowship with the delicious Chinese food and the home-made moon cakes. In addition, one hour  teaching seminar with Q&A was also kindly provided by Bishop Mueller . 
Specially thanks to Willowdale congregation to host the wonderful event, and also Ap. Sobottka who took the time to be with us, despite of traveling to overseas nations on the same day.

Please download Slideshow for more details






45 Lodge Street, Waterloo,

Ontario N2J 2V5  Map

Regular Service   Sunday 10:30 am

Wednesday   8:00 pm

Sunday School  9:00 am


Email: chinesefocus@mynac.org

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